Monday 18 June 2012

How to Pick the Best Car Insurance Policy

How to Pick the Best Car Insurance Policy

Treat a car insurance plan like any other investment...research it thoroughly, know what you want from it and be willing to haggle and negotiate as much as you can. There are a few things to consider when shopping for car insurance, and here are a few to get you thinking...

What kind of coverage do you want?

Depending on the level of cover you want or need, you may be willing to forgo some aspects of a more expensive policy. For example, if you have children who are of driving age still living at home, it's a good idea to extend your policy to cover under-25s. This is of course something that comes with a price, but any parent who has seen the sheepish look on the face of their son or daughter as they admit to borrowing the car-and then rear-ending someone---will be glad they forked out the extra money! On the other hand, if no one other than yourself will be driving your car, you needn't bother with the extra coverage and can save some money in that area.

To hire car or not to hire car?

Several insurance policies cover the cost of a hire car during the time in which your car is being repaired. If you rely on your vehicle for business or live in a remote area where driving is the only option, you're going to want to include this option. However, if you live somewhere with excellent public transport or rarely use your car, you may wish to dispense with this added cost.

You get what you pay for...

Sadly, the old maxim rings true in this situation and it pays to beware of exactly what is covered in your policy. For example, insurance companies have different positions on the choice of repairer. Some people have experienced difficulty when they weren't satisfied with work done by a certain mechanic.

It pays to be picky when comparing car insurance quotes, especially since in the event of an accident you really want a company who is reputable and won't snag you with unforeseen clauses and exclusions.

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